MGP Domizine

June 3rd, 2009 By possible49sm

MGP Domizine is an excellent free wordpress theme. incorporated with various features listed below

* Syntax Highliter Integration
* Carousel
* Gravtar Support
* Widgetized
* Custom Theme Options
* TweetMeMe Ready
* Lightbox Integration
* In Built Advertisement Support
* Automatic Post Thumbnails
* Wordpress 2.7 ready

Theme Categories: Black, Widget Ready, 2 Columns
Author Name: Mohd Ameenuddin Atif
Author URL:
Author Email: [email protected]
No. of Columns: 2
Theme URL:
Demo URL:
Download URL:
Fixed width / Fluid width: Fixed
Color: Black

Optional – [But Always Better For More Downloads]
Layout (Table based / CSS based): CSS
Sidebar (left/right): Left
Plugins required: None
Widget ready (yes/no): Yes
Adsense Ready (yes/no): No

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