Darkness Prevails

June 18th, 2009 By themesjunction

From time to time, I might like a dark theme that doesn’t bring a strong motif, but is just good for the mood of the time-being. Take a look at this, if now is a good timing.
This gloomy theme, compatible with WordPress 2.7.1, is out-of-box usable with threaded comments, and looks nice on all major web browsers, including FireFox, IE, Chrome, Opera & Safari. You can edit the ad slots with any text editor and/or replace them with images, URLs, and ad codes.
God knows why I used dark colors for the second updates after this long time. But hey…Enjoy!

Tags: adsense ready,dark,fixed width,left sidebar,pagenavi,social bookmarking,threaded comments,two columns,valid css,valid xhtml,widget ready

Theme URL: http://www.ezwpthemes.com/templates/darkness-prevails.html

Demo URL: http://www.ezwpthemes.com/examples/?wptheme=Darkness%20Prevails&cat=15

Author Name: EZwpthemes

Author URL: http://www.ezwpthemes.com/

Download URL: http://www.ezwpthemes.com/download/Darkness%20Prevails.zip

No. of Columns: 2

Colors: dark

Sidebar (left/right): left

Fixed width / Fluid width: Fixed width

Plugins required: NO

Widget ready: NO

Adsense Ready: YES

Layout Style (Table based / CSS based): CSS based