a CMS that arranges the posts horizontally, and thanks to the smoothly sliding Ajax / jQuery inbuilt plugin, the posts slide backwards and forward only on mouse rollover. The theme is ready for 5 widgets areas. If nothing appears on the footer, make sure you have enabled widgets and that you have something for each area. Thumbnails are powered by custom field “Image”. More details: http://wpsite.net/2009/slidofolio-the-ultimate-portfolio-cms-wordpress-theme/


Ready for Adsense, 125*125 ads, social bookmarks, about me section at the top, and gallery (needs to be enabled in the code). Very beautiful and sleek design you are going to love! Following the modern trend of ecology related elements, this wordpress theme will accompany practically any blog. For more details and branding free version please visit: http://www.toptut.com/2009/09/02/premium-eco-friendly-theme-available-for-a-free-download/


crazy beats no.3

a simple grunge music theme



Two column light fluid width WordPress theme. White and blue colours, glossy and Web 2.0 style. Support for widgets and threaded comments. Tested with 2.8.4

Static Blue WordPress theme
Theme URI: Free CSS templates
Preview: Preview
Download at: Free Web Templates

License: GPLv2

Dark WordPress Pro is a Dark WordPress Theme. Theme comes with Web 2.0 style, is widget ready.
Theme is very elegant and beautiful.Support to latest version of wordpress.
cool style , no plugin required.Easy to install.

Key Features

* 2 Column layout.
* Web 2.0 Theme
* Widget Support
* Meta Tag Support
* SEO Friendly



Newsbie is a 2 columns fluid width News WordPress theme with featured content slider, featured category display, adsense loop between post ready, sidebar tabbers and many more features.




License: Free to use must keep footer intact AS IS

Lite Green v1.0

A WordPress theme that has a clean and simple look. The original PSD graphic file is provided, so you can modify anything, from the header to your own modifications. I’ve included recommended plugins in the instruction. It has many features from Gravatar enabled to threaded comments. Be sure to read readme.html before installing. Last tested on WordPress version 2.8.4.

Lite Green v1.0



License: Free to use must keep footer intact AS IS

Premium Car v1.0

Premium Car, an advanced premium designed for those in the ‘Cars and Automotive’ niche. However it can also be customized for other purposes such as personal, corporate to community blogs. You can modify the header to your own design and liking. Promises higher CTR and sales-leads with our ads/affiliate ready modules. I’ve included recommended plugins in the instruction. It has many features from Gravatar enabled to threaded comments. Be sure to read readme.html before installing. Last tested on WordPress version 2.8.2.

Premium Car v1.0



License: Free to use must keep footer intact AS IS

Mato Series Kopilat. A 2 column theme with ads sections ready at three different placements.



Emo-Label theme in mag-style. Comes with four different backgrounds to choose from.



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