The Color of Success

November 16th, 2009 By cmba138G

The theme has a customizable homepage with 3 sections designed to give the user the ability to express the idea of his site/company from the first glimpse.

The Main section, as well as the other 2 info sections bellow are setup in the options page and can either retrieve a post or page excerpt of the user’s choice, or he can simply decide to input his text in the text boxes provided on the options page.

Other options:

* logo image vs text title in the header (selected in the options page)

* post excerpts & post thumbnails

* ads ready (both adsense and image ads) setup in the options page

* social networking widget

* rss ready, widget ready, gravatar ready

* crossbrowser compatible (tested in Firefox, Opera, Safari, Google Chrome and IE 8 down to 6)

* working with the last version of WP and lower


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