Free Download BlueDino a simple Wordpress Theme

April 9th, 2009 By betazon


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Description: BlueDino is a simple Wordpress Theme designed for Personal Business Related Blogs. Some of the key Highlights of this theme are –

* 1. 2 column Right Sidebar
* 2. Contact Form
* 3. favicon
* 4. 125×125 ads
* 5. Subscribe via email
* 6. Social Book Marks digg | stumbleupon | twitter
* 7. Blue, Dark Black
* 8. Featured Video
* 9. Adsense Ready
* 10. Round Corner
* 11. Wordpress 2.7.1 (also tested 2.6)
* 12. Firefox 3.0.7, MSIE 7.0
* 13. Valid XHTML and CSS
* 14. Best Fit for Business and Parsonal

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