Grunge Artistic Free WordPress Theme with two columns, easy social bookmarking, widget ready with 125px ad spots and cross browser compliant. It could fit multi purpose niches and is provided for free.

LIVE DEMO | Download Artistic

This is an Adsense and Adblock ready theme.
Features: 3 columns, Adsense Ready, includes ad-block area Fixed width, yellows, beige, white, black Valid XHTML and valid css Tested on 27 in IE, Firefox, Safari and Opera


License – GPL retain author links.

UnionBay is a Real Estate wordpress theme. It has 2 columns that is widget ready and optimized for Adsense. This theme Works with Wordpress 2.7 and below.

LIVE DEMO | Download UnionBay

CrystalVille is a 2 column Real Estate wordpress theme that is adsense ready and works with wordpress 2.7 and below.

LIVE DEMO | Download CrystalVille

Yellow Business is a Sleek Three column yellow free wordpress theme with no images and a right sidebar. Adsense ready and widget ready good for corporate sites. It is fully compatible with wordpress 2.3.2 and has tagging and tag cloud enabled.

* 3 columns
* Yellow
* Adsense ready
* Widget Ready
* Valid XHTML and CSS Tested on the following browsers:
IE6, IE7, FireFox 2, Opera and Safari

Theme Demo ||wordpress Download
Author Easy Camping Recipes

Poolside is a Widget Ready free Wordpress theme which was recently released. It is fully compatible with wordpress 2.3.2 and has tagging and tag cloud enabled.

* 3 columns
* Orange & white
* Adsense ready
* Valid XHTML and CSS Tested on the following browsers:
IE6, IE7, FireFox 2, Opera and Safari

Theme Demo ||wordpress Download
Author Heady

SW Social Blog is a 2 column wordpress theme for Social site.


2 Column
Right Sidebar
Fluid Width
Widget Ready

Social Blog



License: Free to use must keep footer intact AS IS






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