The theme comes with 2 layouts: magazine and blog. The user can chose from the theme’s control panel which one he intends to use.
When choosing the magazine layout, the home page will be different from the rest of the site pages, including:
* a sliding posts gallery, configurable in the options panel
* a tabbed widget containing: most viewed, most commented, highest rated posts and video of the day
* a section containing the most recent 5 posts
Other Features:
* ads ready (administrated in the options page)
* plugin ready
* automated post excerpts
* options page with very easy setup
* rss and feedburner ready
* widget ready
* crossbrowser compatible
* working with the last version of Wordpress

Free WordPress Theme – Press Blue. Free Download.
Press Blue is simple and clean design free WordPress theme suitable for any niche. Options page at admin panel..

- Admin Options
- 125×125 pixels adbox ready (easy editable from admin options)
- 468×60 pixels Header Banner ready (easy editable from admin options)
- Three columns
- Gravatar on Comments
- Compatible with latest WordPress versions
- Widgets Ready
- Twitter Ready
- SEO Optimized
- Fixed width
- Logo .PSD file and font files are included in theme folder.
- Tested and compatible with all major browsers: IE, FF, Safari
Admin Options Features:
- Logo image
- Twitter
- Header 468×60 pixels banner code
- 125×125 pixels banners
- Sidebar Ads/Banners
- Header and Footer script codes
License:Free to use must keep footer intact AS IS
Wordpress theme for technology blogs. Beautifully combined darkness with an orange drop.

LIVE DEMO | Download ColdTech
Simple, 2 columns, Beautiful theme with bee on Echinacea flower

Demo Download
bluegraphic wordpress theme

LIVE DEMO | Download Bluegraphic
Sleek, rounded corners wordpress theme. You can choose Orange, Blue or Green color theme.
DOWNLOAD WP 3 PACK – Orange, Blue, Green



Simple, 2 columns, Green, Beautiful Nature Wordpress theme

Simple 2 columns Wordpress theme with cute pigeon in the header

Simple magazine-style financial Wordpress theme featuring calculator and balance sheet. In **2 Color Schemes!** See readme.txt for details.

“Family’s quality time again! Daddy, bring my story book; Mummy, I want cookies! And my little bunny and teddy, come with me, Daddy gonna tell me the tiny elf’s adventure–where did he leave last time? Wow, I smell the sweet family aroma spreading in our theme, do u?
This adorable template is compatible with the new WordPress 2.8 and of course, backward compatible. Coming with threaded comments and a couple of other useful settings and tested on major web browsers. Two adsense slot included. Surely you can replace them with any ad pictures or code texts.
Enjoy our themes with bunny and teddy!”

License: Free to use must keep footer intact AS IS
I made this theme for my new born and his best friend – a rubber duck called Tada. Kids are fun… especially when they are having fun with their own. Enjoy this theme!
Compatible with WordPress 2.7.1, this template is packed with threaded comments and all major browser-tested. Ready for AdSense (placed between first and second post to get best click value.) You can replace the example with your own code from Google. I tried bringing my son to help me decide if this is acceptable to kid. But he seemed more interested in my messy desktop. Nah, I’ll leave it to you guys.

License: Free to use must keep footer intact AS IS
“Wow, even the gentle moon is singing, blossom flowers are dancing! Why blues must be melancholy? With our themes, night falling down, party begins! Come and join us, let gentle rock your world with cheerful blues!
This adorable template is compatible with the new WordPress 2.8 and of course, backward compatible. Coming with threaded comments and a couple of other useful settings and tested on major web browsers. Two adsense slot included. Surely you can replace them with any ad pictures or code texts.
Begin with our theme and set on a new journey!”

License: Free to use must keep footer intact AS IS