how to use wordpress

“Complete Video Course Reveals Secrets
To Making Money Using WORDPRESS

Instantly Gain Access To A Step By Step Idiot-Proof
Guide On How To Use Wordpress To Quickly Create
Profitable Websites And Skyrocket Your Earnings

Each video shows you an additional technique to easily help you make real
money with Wordpress. Use one technique, use several - or use them all!

Dear Wordpress User,

The reason you ended up here is because you are looking for a theme to use for your Wordpress blog. Do you also know that you could be using your Wordpress blog to make money as quick as you want and easily without spending as much money?

Let's face it, would you rather spend more time and money to make money or spending less time and money yet earning as much as you want?

As you already know, Wordpress is one of the best money making tools out there. It is completely FREE thus making it the perfect platform to make money from.

It does not matter if you are an expert or a novice coder or whether you are new or experienced in online marketing. Wordpress is easy to use and will help you set up informative, good looking, profitable websites as fast as you want.

"I have to tell you when I got to the download page I was blown away by all of the video tutorials I got about Wordpress! WOW!

I’ve been using Wordpress for over 4 years and you showed me a few tricks I have never seen before that I will use for sure.

I also have to mention that plugin you revealed that does all of those SEO tasks, not the one everybody else is using. That was really nice. I can’t believe that the plugin is FREE. Well back to watching the Wordpress videos"

Brendan Nelson

Most people only ever use Wordpress to create a blog or two and fail to realise the sheer power and flexibility of this tool and what it can really do for your bottom line.

On its own, Wordpress is incredibly flexible, quick and simple to install, and easy to customise - in fact, I'd say it was almost effortless to use! And as it is FREE, every dollar you make from your Wordpress site is pure profit!

With Wordpress, you can create almost any type of profit-pulling website from a membership site to an authority site to an Adsense site to a review blog, which is one of the many powerful reasons why Wordpress is essential for your business and profit.

For many people especially those new to Wordpress, it can be daunting and overwhelming - there are over 2,700 different plugins available, thousands of themes and it can very quickly become a bit confusing.

You can sit there and wonder

wordpress desmystified
Which plugins should you use?
wordpress desmystified
How do you configure Wordpress in the most profitable way?
wordpress desmystified
How do you make it look professional?
wordpress desmystified
How can you monetize it?
wordpress desmystified
How can you stop yourself being flooded by blog comment spam?

"I have to say this set of videos is absolutely fantastic! I am a complete technical novice, and within hours, I was able to install WordPress on my own domain and tweak it to maximize SEO! And it looks great. I haven't even been through all the videos yet, and I've already gotten much more value than the asking price!

Not only do you teach us the power of a functional, optimized website on our own virtual real estate, you helped ME make the site look good, too. Each step is clearly explained. If you miss something, you can always go back and watch it again. The teaching style is relaxed and easy to follow. I'm even having fun setting WordPress up - and that is something I never thought would happen!

I don't gush about a product unless it honestly has proven its worth to me and this video package goes above and beyond. Even for folks who intend to outsource the 'techie' side of their business, I highly recommend these videos. It's always smart to understand the nuts and bolts, and this product will give you that understanding!

Excellent product!
Nguyen Anh Hung

wordpress demystifiedThis brand new Wordpress Unleashed video course will tell you exactly how to set up and use Wordpress for maximum speed and profit.

In this comprehensive video course, you will be guided through, step by step, everything you need to know in order to set up a successful and profitable Wordpress site.

There is so much to learn about how to configure Wordpress that it could take you weeks to learn how to fine tune it, or in just a few hours you can become an expert and learn from weeks of combing internet forums, installing plugins, tweaking settings and working out the best possible way of setting up Wordpress and squeaking out those neat little functions that makes a blog look incredible.

So what are you going to learn in this powerful video course?

Installing Wordpress

Video 1 - Installation Of Wordpress
8m 16s

  • Look over my shoulder as I show you the easier way to install Wordpress
  • Discover how you can install Wordpress with a cick of a button
Configuring Wordpress

Video 2 - Configuring Wordpress
10m 04

  • Watch as I show you exactly how you to optimally configure Wordpress
  • Learn the best way to set up Wordpress for maximum results
Wordpress themes
Video 3 - Picking A Theme
3m 19s
  • Get access to thousands of free themes for your Wordpress site
  • Learn how to change the look of your entire site with the click of a button
Wordpress Themes
Video 4 - Uploading Themes
1m 54
  • A step by step guide showing you how to upload themes to your website
customising a wordpress theme

Video 5 - Customise Your Theme

4m 38s
  • Learn how to quickly and easily customise the look and feel of your website
  • Discover how to quickly add menu items and make your site look highly professional
wordpress settings
Video 6 - Wordpress Settings
7m 55s
  • Learn to navigate your way through the quagmire of Wordpress settings
  • Find out the best way to set up your Wordpress site
wordpress spam prevention
Video 7 - Protection Against Spam
5m 52s
  • Learn how you can avoid 100% of all spam to your blog for free!

View this sample video to see the quality of information you'll receive in your Wordpress Unleashed video course.

Upgrade your Flash Player to version 8 to view this video!

wordpress google sitemap

Video 8 - How To Get Indexed In Minutes

7m 07s
  • Learn the plugin you need to get your blog indexed in minutes
  • See step by step how you configure this plugin and the little tweak it needs for maximum effect
making money with wordpress
Video 9 - Monetizing Your Blog
9m 22s
  • Learn how to earn from your blog
  • Find out the best ways to generate income
backing up wordpress
Video 10 - Backing Up Your Blog
12m 11s
  • Learn why you need to backup your blog
  • Find out how to automatically backup your Wordpress blog
social networking wordpress
Video 11 - Socialising Wordpress
7m 42s
  • Learn how to increase your backlinks and traffic at the click of a button
  • See exactly how to install this powerful plugin and how to configure it
wordpress plugins

Video 12 - More Plugins

8m 32s
  • Let me show you some more useful plugins for your Wordpress blog
  • Learn how to laser target your Adsense ads
  • See how to give a first time visitor to your blog a special welcome message
  • Find out how to easily get detailed stats for your Wordpress blog
more wordpress plugins

Video 13 - Even More Plugins

11m 34s
  • Discover how to quickly add pictures, video and audio to any blog post
  • Learn another powerful way to add multiple streams of income to your Wordpress blog
  • Turn your Wordpress blog into a fully featured shopping cart!

This powerful video course will show you step by step exactly how to install, configure, setup and use Wordpress as a money making platform.

With everything you will learn in this course you will have your profit pulling website up and running in just a couple of hours.

And There Is More..

As well as the entire Wordpress Unleashed video course you will get all of these bonus items completely free with your purchase. Each one of these bonuses has been carefully chosen to compliment your learning and to help you get EVEN MORE out of Wordpress!

Free Bonus Gift #1
7 Days to Profitable Blogging

YOU will learn everything from:

* How best to build your blog

* How to choose the keywords you're building your blog around

* How to implement those keywords in a way that HELPS your readers and YOUR income



Free Bonus Gift #2
Generating Daily Traffic To Your Website Quickly

YOU will discover everything from:

* How to generate an endless stream of free traffic by simply using this one technique

* Tracking keywords

* A simple way of getting repeat visitors to your website


You can start benefiting from these incredible videos today and start to use Wordpress to make money and create profitable sites that rank high in the search engines.

wordpress secrets revealedThe Wordpress Unleashed video course comes with a no-questions, no-quibbles, 60 day money back guarantee. If for any reason, you find that the course isn't perfect for you, just send it back any time within 60 days, and I'll buy it back from you at the full purchase price. You have up to 60 days to use and profit from the Wordpress Unleashed video course without any obligation to keep it - to make sure that it is everything I say and more.

Wordpress Unleashed will take you from zero to guru in just a few short hours of video. Instead of spending weeks learning by trial and effort, you can learn the techniques of Wordpress experts from these in-depth, step by step videos.

Wordpress is one of the best platforms available for making money online and the Wordpress Unleashed video course will show you exactly how to make money with Wordpress.

Not only do you get the entire Wordpress Unleashed video course, but you also get the incredible valuable bonuses to make you a money-making Wordpress expert.

Yes! I Want To Learn How To Generate Free Traffic And To Earn From It

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You can make money with Wordpress every single day, and set your business on autopilot. Imagine have streams of passive income from your Wordpress blogs, earning you money effortlessly day, after day, after day.

The Wordpress Unleashed video course will show you EXACTLY how to use and configure Wordpress to create an automatic money maker.

For just $47 you can download your copy of this powerful step by step course today.

I am completely confident that you will love this complete video course and enjoy making money with Wordpress.

Yours In Success & Profits


P.S. Remember you are getting well two hours of professional video training in this package designed to turn you into a Wordpress expert.

P.P.S. Download your copy now and remember your satisfaction is guaranteed!
