sys_admin_usernameThe admin username you want to use for the admin area
sys_admin_passwordThe admin password you want to use for the admin area
sys_domainThe domain name of your site -- all lowercase, without the 'www.'
sys_default_emailYour PayPal e-mail address
sys_support_addressYour support contact e-mail address or web site (use 'http://' if web site)
sys_fraud_addressE-mail address to send fraudulent transaction reports to
sys_script_folderThe folder where these scripts are located -- change this if you're installing in a subdirectory. e.g., if installing into, set to /scripts/ YOU MUST HAVE THE ENDING SLASH: /
sys_template_folderFolder where HTML templates are kept. MAKE THIS HARD TO GUESS. YOU MUST PUT A SLASH / AFTER THE FOLDER NAME (but NOT before)
sys_item_nameThe name of your front-end product
sys_item_numberThe item number of your front-end product (for PayPal)
sys_item_costThe cost of your front-end product
sys_item_locationThe download location of your front-end product (e.g., downloads/
sys_item_percentThe % of payments for the front-end product that should be sent to affiliate (DO NOT PUT % SIGN)
sys_blockedBlock these PayPal e-mail addresses from being used by affiliates (separate with commas)
sys_purchasers_onlySetting this variable to true means that only people who bought your product can resell it. This is checked against the ipn.txt sales data. BE SURE TO TELL PEOPLE ON YOUR SALES PAGE THAT THEY WILL NEED TO BUY FIRST, AND MAKE IT VISIBLE. NOTICE: This must be set to false in order to submit your product to true false
sys_purchasers_overrideAllow these PayPal e-mail addresses to be used by affiliates even if they didn't buy your front-end product (separate with commas)
sys_otoAre you using a One-Tme Offer? true if yes, false if no true false
sys_oto_nameThe name of your OTO product
sys_oto_numberThe item number of your OTO product (for PayPal)
sys_oto_costThe cost of your OTO product
sys_oto_locationThe download location of your OTO product (e.g., downloads/
sys_oto_percentThe % of payments for the OTO product that should be sent to affiliate (DO NOT PUT % SIGN)
sys_item_cancel_urlThe location to send users who cancel the transaction
sys_oto_purchasers_onlySetting this variable to true means that only people who bought the OTO will be get commission on the OTO when promoting the product. true false
sys_oto_purchasers_overrideAllow these PayPal e-mail addresses to be used by affiliates even if they didn't buy your OTO product (separate with commas)
sys_expire_hoursExpire download page after how many hours?
sys_giveaway_productIf you don't actually want to SELL a report, but rather give it away for the opt-ins and One-Time Offer money, set this variable to true. If you do this you MUST share the One-Time Offer with your affiliates or there's no point in anybody promoting it for you. true false
sys_ipn_emailSet this to false to prevent a download link from automatically being emailed to the customer once they make a purchase. This is somewhat risky, because if your own autoresponder email fails to reach the customer, they may become upset about not receiving their product. If you do use this, be sure to have your autoresponder send the customer to a custom 'please check your email' page instead of index.php?action=download true false
sys_salesletterssalesletter.html (settings.php must be edited manually to add additional sales letters)
sys_max_salesIf you want to offer only a fixed number of sales and then shut down the script, set this variable to a value greater than zero.
sys_currencyCurrency that payments should be made inAustralian Dollars (A $)Canadian Dollars (C $)Euros (€)Pounds Sterling (£)Yen (¥)U.S. Dollars ($)New Zealand Dollar ($)Swiss FrancHong Kong Dollar ($)Singapore Dollar ($)Swedish KronaDanish KronePolish ZlotyNorwegian KroneHungarian ForintCzech Koruna
sys_localePayPal login/signup localeAustraliaChinaFranceGermanyItalyJapanSpainUnited KingdomUnited States