Adsense ready, 3 column, fixed width WP Theme. Valid xhtml, and widget ready.
Bmag Premium Theme
This is a two column, fixed width theme. Beautiful shades of blue, real estate niche. Left sidebar, validated xhtml and validated css. This theme is widget ready.
Sports theme, baseball, 3 column, fixed width. Adsense ready, widget ready, green, black, rounded corners, right sidebars.
2 column fixed theme. Widget ready, black and gray. Valid xhtml and css.
Adsense ready theme. Also adblock area. 2 Columns, fixed width, green, pet niche. Widget ready, valid xhtml and css, right sidebar.
Free two column Marijuana Grow wordpress theme. adsense ready and widget ready. very nice dark gray layout and fully customizable with a left sidebar. Medical Marijuana Theme!!!
* 2 columns
* Gray & Yellow / Orange
* Adsense ready
* Valid XHTML and CSS Tested on the following browsers:
IE6, IE7, FireFox 2, Opera and Safari
Theme Demo ||wordpress Download
Author Camp
Flowered is a Widget Ready free Wordpress theme which was recently released. It is fully compatible with wordpress 2.3.2 and has tagging and tag cloud enabled.
* 3 columns
* Blue & white
* Adsense ready
* Valid XHTML and CSS Tested on the following browsers:
IE6, IE7, FireFox 2, Opera and Safari
Theme Demo ||wordpress Download
Author Backpacking Meals
This is a 3 column, Adsense Ready theme. Valid xhtml, valid css. Widget ready, fixed width. Green, white, gray tones.
This is a 3 column, Adsense Ready theme. Valid xhtml, valid css. Widget ready, fixed width. Yellow, white, orange, gray and black tones. Fixed Width.
3 columns, widget ready, Adsense and Ad ready. Right Columns, fixed width, valid xhtml, valid css
3 Columns, Widget ready, sleek, very light and clean, 125 X 125 Sidebar Ads Ready, WP-Simple-Brown free wordpress Theme. The theme requires few plugins. Please see the readme.txt for detailed installation instructions.
The theme comes with Creative Commons 3.0 Sharealike License.
* Tested on latest Wordpress 2.7 version
* 3 columns
* Featured video section
* Fixed width
* Right Sidebars
* Widget ready
* Gravatar ready
* Adsense ready
* Site-wide 125 x 125 banner ads.
* Site-wide 468 x 60 Adsense banner Ads.
* Inner page 468 x 60 Adsense banner Ads.
* Rounded Corners
* Threaded Comments
* WP-Pagenavi plugin integrated
* Tag Cloud on Sidebars
* Related Posts on innner posts.
* additional language support
* Cross browser compatible with IE, FF, Opera, Flock & Safari
* Theme support
License: Free to use must keep footer intact AS IS
Sun Flowers is a free wordpress theme that has two columns and is adsense ready and widget ready. very clean
* 2 columns
* Orange & white
* Adsense ready
* Valid XHTML and CSS Tested on the following browsers:
IE6, IE7, FireFox 2, Opera and Safari
Theme Demo ||wordpress Download
Author Watch House