
May 1st, 2009 By John78


Zinmax Premium Magazine Style WordPress Theme. It is a 2 column widgetized theme with sliding feaured post, featured video, tabbed contents etc. The index page is styled in blocks with thumbnail images using WordPress customfield feature. The theme is adsense enabled and it will be a perfect money making platform for your blog.


1. Premium theme layout.
2. Multi-level dropdown javascript navigation menu for categories and subcategories.
3. Featured sliding posts.
4. Site wide customizable 180 x 90 custom banner ads.
5. Adsense enabled 726x 90 banner.
6. Tabbed content area
* Most discussed (Plugin Required)
* Flash tag cloud (Plugin Required)
* Popular Posts (Plugin Required)
7. Widgetized sidebar
8. Featured Video
9. Page navigation enabled.
10. Custom theme option page in the admin panel.




License: Free to use must keep footer intact AS IS

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