Yellow Business is a Sleek Three column yellow free wordpress theme with no images and a right sidebar. Adsense ready and widget ready good for corporate sites. It is fully compatible with wordpress 2.3.2 and has tagging and tag cloud enabled.

* 3 columns
* Yellow
* Adsense ready
* Widget Ready
* Valid XHTML and CSS Tested on the following browsers:
IE6, IE7, FireFox 2, Opera and Safari

Theme Demo ||wordpress Download
Author Easy Camping Recipes

Poolside is a Widget Ready free Wordpress theme which was recently released. It is fully compatible with wordpress 2.3.2 and has tagging and tag cloud enabled.

* 3 columns
* Orange & white
* Adsense ready
* Valid XHTML and CSS Tested on the following browsers:
IE6, IE7, FireFox 2, Opera and Safari

Theme Demo ||wordpress Download
Author Heady

SW Social Blog is a 2 column wordpress theme for Social site.


2 Column
Right Sidebar
Fluid Width
Widget Ready

Social Blog



License: Free to use must keep footer intact AS IS







Created by Oriental, plum, bamboo, pine, flower, foliage, orange, red theme. Now compatible with wordpress 2.7.




License: Free to use.

CB-Smile is a stylish, widget supported high quality WordPress theme with a featured posts section. Theme has three columns and is in blue and orange colors.

CB-Smile Theme comes with a new featured posts plugin with a nice scroll and bounce effect. (CB-Featured plugin from



Health Conscious is a 2 column theme, right sidebar position, widgetized and adsense enabled. This theme is fully-functional in wordpress version 2.7.

Template Features
2 Column Theme
Fixed width
Right Sidebar
Adsense Enabled
Widget Ready
Theme Support
Version 1.0, 2.2.1, 2.2.2 , 2.3.2 2.5, 2.6 and 2.7
Tested in some major browsers like Firefox, Internet explorer, Opera and Safari
Valid XHTML and Valid CSS

Theme Demo

Download Theme Here

Mahiwaga is a Wordpress theme tested on the latest version of WordPress, two columns, adsense ready with advertising blocks, right sidebar, cross browser compatible with IE, FF, Opera, Flock & Safari, valid XHTML & CSS, Ajax tabbed sidebar and widget ready.

Mahiwaga Screenshot

Live Demo | Download | WordPress Theme

Theme details:

  • Tested on Wordpress version 2.6.3
  • Adsense Ready with advertising blocks
  • Two columns
  • Fixed width
  • Modern design
  • Ajax tabbed sidebar
  • Cross Browser compatible with IE, FF, Opera, Flock & Safari
  • Valid XHTML & CSS
  • Widget Ready
  • PSD file included
  • Readme.txt included for easier customization
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