Weebertro is a Magazine Style mixed column free wordpress theme featuring a great combination of usability and outlook. The theme is 100% widget, adsense, feedburner ready and features the option to choose between an editable .PSD logo and the default hyperlink style TITLE/Tagline.
The required plugins attached with the theme zip file.
License: Free to use must keep footer intact AS IS
Real Blogger
Real Blogger is a 2 column with right siebar, widget ready, FeedBurner ready, banner ads ready, fluid width Wordpress theme that has threaded comments function.
License: Free to use must keep footer intact AS IS
(Best fit for Personal blog,Business journals, SEO blog , Web Design Blog, ) Live Demo | Download Highlights *wordpress Version 2.7.1 compatible *Slide Presentation *Contact Form *125×125 ads *CSS/XHTML validated * adsense Ready * social bookmarking -Stumble | Digg | del.icio.us * Fixed width * 2 column * Tested on Chrome 0.3, Firefox 3.0.7, MSIE 7.0 *Subscribe Via RSS *Tags Ready For any support visit Web design Service Enjoy!
This theme is tested on various major web browsers, ready for threaded comments come with WP 2.7 and compatible with WordPress 2.7.1. For better usability we integrated two nice functions in it - PageNavi and Quotable Commentary! You may try them out through the demo right now. This is also a three-columns theme. Both sidebars are customizable from the admin panel! There’s also an about-us block which is editable, just open the about-us.php with your favorite text editor, and fill in your introduction text.
Demo Download
xixili, Real Estate Wordpress Theme.
License: Free to use must keep footer intact AS IS