Red Business is a Sleek Three column green free wordpress theme with no images and a right sidebar. Adsense ready and widget ready good for corporate sites. It is fully compatible with wordpress 2.3.2 and has tagging and tag cloud enabled.

* 3 columns
* Red
* Adsense ready
* Widget Ready
* Valid XHTML and CSS Tested on the following browsers:
IE6, IE7, FireFox 2, Opera and Safari

Theme Demo ||wordpress Download
Author Backpacking Meals

Old Skul automotive free wordpress theme is a 2 column theme, adsense and widget ready. This theme has been made for it’s amazing look that delivers an old school yet funky feel to it’s user and viewers. This theme is also tested to some major browsers like [ Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari and Internet Explorer ].

Template Features

2 Column Theme
Right Sidebar
Fixed width
Adsense Enabled
Widget Ready
Theme Support For Small Modification
Version 1.0, 2.2.1, 2.2.2 , 2.3.2 2.5, 2.6 and 2.7
Tested in some major browsers like Firefox, Internet explorer, Opera,Safari and Chrome
Valid XHTML and Valid CSS

Theme Demo

Download Theme Here

Turn Out Mag
+ Image on Articles (Automatic Resize)
+ Advertisement/Banner Ready
+ Gravatar on Comments
+ SEO Optimized
+ Works with the Latest Version of Wordpress 2.7 (and below)
+ Threaded Comments
+ Featured Video
+ Flickr RSS
+ Animated Tag Cloud

LIVE DEMO | Download Turn Out Mag

TransGravita Theme is a 3 column profesionally designed Theme that is Banner Ready and Works with Wordpress 2.7 and lower. Theme is Search Engine Optimized and displays Gravatar on Comments.

LIVE DEMO | Download TransGravita

CHARA Theme is a 3 Column Elegant Theme that showcases Images
on every post. It’s a magazine style design that is Banner
Ready and uses Flickr RSS plugins with a Popular Post feature.

LIVE DEMO | Download Chara

Marcelle is a 2 column minimalist Blogging theme using a Magazine Lay-out. It is Banner Ready with features like popular posts and flickr plugin. It’s been SEO optimized and works with Wordpress Version 2.7 and lower.

LIVE DEMO | Download Marcelle

Sun Flowers is a free wordpress theme that has two columns and is adsense ready and widget ready. very clean

* 2 columns
* Orange & white
* Adsense ready
* Valid XHTML and CSS Tested on the following browsers:
IE6, IE7, FireFox 2, Opera and Safari

Theme Demo ||wordpress Download
Author Watch House

Simple White is a clean two column wordpress theme that is free to download. good for all information websites. Theme has no images

* 2 columns
* Orange & white
* Adsense ready
* Valid XHTML and CSS Tested on the following browsers:
IE6, IE7, FireFox 2, Opera and Safari

Theme Demo ||wordpress Download
Author Watch House

Poolside is a Widget Ready free Wordpress theme which was recently released. It is fully compatible with wordpress 2.3.2 and has tagging and tag cloud enabled.

* 3 columns
* Orange & white
* Adsense ready
* Valid XHTML and CSS Tested on the following browsers:
IE6, IE7, FireFox 2, Opera and Safari

Theme Demo ||wordpress Download
Author Heady

Business Grey is a two column free wordpress theme that is contemporary in feel and has no images. great for a corporate website

* 2 columns
* Grey & white
* Adsense ready
* Valid XHTML and CSS Tested on the following browsers:
IE6, IE7, FireFox 2, Opera and Safari

Theme Demo ||wordpress Download
Author Heady

Clean free wordpress theme Purple Leaf is widget and adsense ready very nice look with a white text area

* 2 columns
* Purple & white
* Adsense ready
* Valid XHTML and CSS Tested on the following browsers:
IE6, IE7, FireFox 2, Opera and Safari

Theme Demo ||wordpress Download
Author Heady

WidgetLike is a free two column adsense and widget ready wordpress theme. very clean and well done

* 2 columns
* Orange & white
* Adsense ready
* Valid XHTML and CSS Tested on the following browsers:
IE6, IE7, FireFox 2, Opera and Safari

Theme Demo ||wordpress Download
Author House HD

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