I made this theme for my new born and his best friend – a rubber duck called Tada. Kids are fun… especially when they are having fun with their own. Enjoy this theme!
Compatible with WordPress 2.7.1, this template is packed with threaded comments and all major browser-tested. Ready for AdSense (placed between first and second post to get best click value.) You can replace the example with your own code from Google. I tried bringing my son to help me decide if this is acceptable to kid. But he seemed more interested in my messy desktop. Nah, I’ll leave it to you guys.



License: Free to use must keep footer intact AS IS

Geeks, wake up and keep poking your geeky thoughts into the galaxy. Use this newly-made tech theme to bring down space invaders with your daily craziness!
The tech/galaxy template is compatible with WordPress 2.7.1, packed with threaded comments, and tested on all major web browsers. Don’t forget to replace the slots with ad codes, ad images and/or URLs to fuel your wallet for the new MacBook! May Day! May Day! I got a handful of work to do. It’s killing me. Out.



License: Free to use must keep footer intact AS IS

Every stop in your colorful life is worth your time to keep a permanent reminder for. Keep the spirit up! Every second heart-felt is every happiness deserved.
This light-color template is compatible with WordPress 2.7.1 and comes with threaded comments right out of the box. It is tested on all major web browsers. You can replace the slots with your favorite website addresses, test, ad images or codes to make some extra bucks. Another general-motif WordPress theme for the week. Enjoy!



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We adjusted the release of Heal The World theme for todays Jackson final ceremony. This is a very eco-friendly, inspiring and easy to use theme. Ready for thumbnails, no need to actually upload special image, they are automatically pulled into the thumbnails but if you do wish to work with the right size use the key “Thumbnail”. Ready for widgets and compatible with all browsers, if you have any questions, just leave a comment here: http://www.toptut.com/2009/07/07/heal-the-world-eco-friendly-free-wordpress-theme/


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Featured Article Slideshow, Image on Articles (Automatic Resize), Advertisement/Banner Ready, Gravatar on Comments, SEO Optimized, Works with the Latest Version of Wordpress 2.8 (and below), Threaded Comments, Featured Video, Flickr RSS, Animated Tag Cloud


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LIVE DEMO | Download Sportcar Black

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A Premium Wordpress theme.

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