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Professional-looking 2-column Wordpress theme in black background.



License: Keep footer links and script intact

Free three column Anime Girl wordpress theme. adsense ready and widget ready. very nice layout and fully customizable with a right sidebar. Lots of extras and easy navigating from tabs on the top of the page.

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Author Tents

Free three column Violin wordpress theme. adsense ready and widget ready. very nice layout and fully customizable with a right sidebar. Lots of extras and easy navigating from tabs on the top of the page.

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Free three column Clone Wars wordpress theme. adsense ready and widget ready. very nice layout and fully customizable with a right sidebar. Lots of extras and easy navigating from tabs on the top of the page.

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Author Campground Tents

Free three column Transformers wordpress theme. adsense ready and widget ready. very nice layout and fully customizable with a right sidebar. Lots of extras and easy navigating from tabs on the top of the page.

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IE6, IE7, FireFox 2, Opera and Safari

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Author Camping Tents

Free three column Green Guitar wordpress theme. adsense ready and widget ready. very nice layout and fully customizable with a right sidebar. Lots of extras and easy navigating from tabs on the top of the page.

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IE6, IE7, FireFox 2, Opera and Safari

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Author Campground Tents

Free three column Yellow Forest wordpress theme. adsense ready and widget ready. very nice layout and fully customizable with a right sidebar. Lots of extras and easy navigating from tabs on the top of the page.

* 3 columns
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* Valid XHTML and CSS Tested on the following browsers:
IE6, IE7, FireFox 2, Opera and Safari

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Author Campground Tents

2 columns working station Wordpress theme

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LIVE DEMO | Download ClaraVilla

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