Clockwork Orange, a News / Magazine style 2-column fixed width theme with right sidebars, and a cool logo to go with the header. The theme is 100% widget ready and features two ad units, the one that lets you add your own 125×125 SPONSORED ADS in the sidebar and an adsense 480px banner.



License : Free to use. Must keep the footer intact as is.

Komlalebu, a News / Magazine style 2-column fixed width theme with right sidebars, and a cool logo to go with the header. The theme is 100% widget ready and features two ad units, the one that lets you add your own 125×125 SPONSORED ADS in the sidebar and an adsense 480px banner.



License : Free to use. Must keep the footer intact as is.

Monoblog, a News / Magazine style 2-column fixed width theme with right sidebars, and a cool logo to go with the header. The theme is 100% widget ready and features two ad units, the one that lets you add your own 125×125 SPONSORED ADS in the sidebar and an adsense 480px banner.



GreenGlow, a News / Magazine style 2-column fixed width theme with right sidebars, and a cool logo to go with the header. The theme is 100% widget ready and features one ad unit, the one that lets you add your own 125×125 SPONSORED ADS in the sidebar.



License : Free to use. Must keep the footer intact as is.

SuperMag, a News / Magazine style 2-column fixed width theme with right sidebars, and a cool logo to go with the header. The theme is 100% widget ready and features two ad units, with one that lets you add your own 125×125 SPONSORED ADS in the sidebar.



License : Free to use. Must keep the footer intact as is.

Minimal 2.0, a News / Magazine style 2-column fixed width theme with right sidebars, and a cool logo to fit with the header. The theme is 100% widget ready and features two adsense ad units, plus a ‘Featured Post’ at the top of the main page. Suitable for any of blog.



License : Free to use. Must keep the footer intact as is.

Simple Web 2.0, a 2-column adsense-ready theme with left sidebars (2 units), and a cool clean web 2.0 style look.



License: Free to use. Must keep the footer intact as is.

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