You Can Build A Full-Blown Website Just By Using Wordpress

December 1st, 2009 By WidgetReadyThemes

Wordpress Site BuilderWordpress is now arguably the most widely used software for creating blogs. If you have been reading blogs in various niches, you will realize that more often than not, the blog is run by Wordpress.

Anyone can now start blogging for free just by using the free online version of Wordpress at or if they choose so, opt for total blogging control by downloading the Wordpress software from and hosting it on their own domain.

Now, you can even do more with Wordpress. You can build full-blown websites just by using the Wordpress software. It probably is now one of the most powerful content management systems out there. You can not only management content in text format but you can add audio, video, flash animations etc using Wordpress.

The Wordpress software has been used to create non-blog websites such as static websites, membership sites, ecommerce shopping sites, auction sites, photography galleries, company portfolios, real estate sites and direct sales pages among others. You’d probably be able to create just about any type of website with Wordpress.

The one advantage that Wordpress has is that Google loves websites made out of Wordpress. With good built-in search engine optimization capabilities and by plugging in external plugins, you can easily rank your websites in the Search Engines such as Google, Yahoo and Bing.

If you are pondering about using Wordpress to run your website, hopefully you will consider trying out this flexible software. Though it may take a bit of learning, the same as any other software, it is FREE!

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